Pandemic Recovery Survey
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; University of Maryland; Meta; Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
The Pandemic Recovery Survey aims to study the impacts of COVID-19 across the world and to assist public health officials in focusing their efforts to recover from the pandemic and allocate resources. It includes questions about people’s access to health information, support, and care, their confidence in vaccines, household financial and food (in)security as well as their socio-demographic characteristics. People from 21 countries around the globe are invited to participate via Facebook.
Datenbereitstellende Institution: GESIS
Untersuchungsgebiet: Chile, Japan, Nigeria, Peru, Argentinien, Brasilien, Kolumbien, Ägypten, Deutschland, Indien, Indonesien, Italien, Mexiko, Philippinen, Polen, Südafrika, Spanien, Türkei, Vereinigtes Königreich, USA, Vietnam